Allgas is committed to keeping you informed and up to date with the latest news and stories.
Articles can include information on infrastructure, the environment, technology trends and where to find natural gas estates.
The quickest and most accurate way to find out if you can get connected to natural gas is by calling 1300 001 001.
This depends purely upon what appliances you are using, how often you use them and their efficiency rate (like saying how long is a piece of string). In short, YES natural gas can be cheaper than using electricity in the right conditions. To find out more contact your retailer of preference (AGL or Origin) to discuss your usage patterns and how best natural gas can save you money on energy bills.
Since 2018, we at Allgas have been surveying our customers to better understand their experiences with our services. This important research helps us monitor our performance and design strategies and initiatives to improve the customer experience. We set ambitious improvement targets each year, with monthly reports provided to our Executive team and Board […]